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Welcome to the course People Analytics. Basic statistical tests with which you will learn how to use statistical techniques to solve with the maximum rigor all those questions of vital importance that arise in the Departments of Human Resources
The People Analytics course. Basic statistical tests are part of the group of modules that make up the Executive Programme of People Analytics Pro
People Analytics Pro applies Data Science techniques to the Human Resources Area in order to get to know better the people in our organization and increase their degree of satisfaction and productivity
In the midst of highly competitive markets, Human Resources is seeing the need to become a strategic department in the company and integrate analytics and data into business practices. They are already beginning to attract the best customers-employees, segment, grow, retain and reward them using the knowledge acquired from People Analytics
The completion of this course will help you to achieve the following professional competencies:
- To perform different functions of management, execution and environmental protection related to the conservation of habitats and the different species that make them up.
- To sensitize and educate the population, promoting attitudes that contribute to the conservation and improvement of the environment, informing about its values and the diverse environmental problems, qualifying for a correct decision making, designing activities for its knowledge and use based on principles of sustainability, as well as carrying out environmental management actions to control and protect the environment applying the regulations.
Analyze data to extract validated knowledge about the people in the organization and thus be able to make better decisions in the company and the area of Human Resources
- Use SPSS for statistical analysis
- Discover and master the use of basic statistical techniques (Chi-square, t-student or ANOVA) on the most frequent problems in Human Resources
- Check that this is a normal distribution
- Check outliers
Course Syllabus
- Presentation
- Introduction to the module
- Chi-square and frequency table
- T for Student. Independent samples
- T for Student. Paired samples
- ANOVA. A factor
- ANOVA. One factor. Repeated measurements
Teaching Team

Eduardo Valencia Tirapu
Specialist in the application of Artificial Intelligence to Human Resources
Consultant and trainer for more than 20 years
Author of the book, published in English and Spanish, People Analytics, analytics and data for Human Resources (probably the most in-depth research to date on the subject)
Founder and director. People Analytics Pro
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