We welcome you to a selection of the contents of the course Introduction to TV Production, with which you will learn about the sector and television programming, the concept of production and the main genres of television
If, after viewing this content, you are interested in taking the full course and obtaining the certificate, you can register here
With the complete course, in a practical, real and enjoyable way, you will become an expertise in television production, controlling programming strategies, audiences, advertising management and the different genres and formats of television
Professional Competences
The completion of this course will help you to achieve the following professional competencies:
- To determine the formal and expressive characteristics of audiovisual projects, shows and events, for their audiovisual or scenic realization
- To determine the characteristics of the technical and artistic staff and the technical, material and scenic resources needed to set up the project for the production of audiovisuals or shows and events
- Coordinating and directing the work of the technical and artistic staff during rehearsals, registration, broadcast, postproduction or stage performance, ensuring the implementation of the work plan and reinforcing the work of the director, audiovisual director and director of the show or event
- Adapt to new work situations, maintaining up-to-date scientific, technical and technological knowledge relating to their professional environment, managing their training and existing resources in lifelong learning and using information and communication technologies
- Generate safe environments in the development of their work and that of their team, supervising and applying the procedures for prevention of occupational and environmental risks, in accordance with the provisions of the regulations and objectives of the company
- Exercise their rights and comply with the obligations derived from their professional activity, in accordance with the provisions of current legislation, actively participating in economic, social and cultural life
To know and control the main aspects, parameters and conditioning factors related to television production in order to master programming strategies, strengthen audiences, control advertising management and get involved in the different phases, areas and departments involved
- Identify and apply quality parameters in the work and activities carried out in the learning process, in order to value the culture of evaluation and quality and to be able to monitor and improve quality management procedures
- Apply communication strategies and techniques, adapting to the contents to be transmitted, to the purpose and characteristics of the receivers, in order to ensure the effectiveness of the communication processes
- Use procedures related to entrepreneurial culture, entrepreneurship and professional initiative, to carry out the basic management of a small business or undertake a job
- Analyze the functional organization, needs and tasks of technical staff, to determine their characteristics in the realization of audiovisual projects, shows and events
- Analyze the needs and functions of technical equipment and materials to determine their characteristics in the realization of audiovisual projects, shows and events
- Apply the expressive, narrative and communicative audiovisual codes to determine the formal and expressive characteristics of audiovisual projects, shows and events
Course Syllabus
- An approach to the television sector
- What is television programming?
- Definition of the advertising medium
- Production concept
- Television genres
Teaching Team

Estefanía Sánchez Rojas (Author)
Producer and mixer: Videoreport, Vertice360…
Camera Operator: Más Vale Tarde de La Sexta, MarcaTV…
Master’s Degree in Social Documentation. Cinema Observatory (Buenos Aires)
Degree in Audiovisual Communication. URJC
Superior Technician in Audiovisuals, Radio and Shows. CES
More than 10 years of experience in the audiovisual sector as a technician and teacher

Inma Avia Royo (Audiovisual)
Content Editor: Leroy Merlin España
Production Manager: In La sombra productions
Production Assistant: Circuito Ricardo Tormo
Production assistant: Pride Channel TV
More than 10 years of experience in the audiovisual sector
Do you want to know more?
If you are interested in this course or other courses in our catalogue and need more information, you can contact us through the following form