Welcome to a selection of the contents of the course Protocol and Public Relations in Tourism with which you will get to know the world of PR in the field of business tourism and communication in the tourism company
If, after viewing this content, you are interested in taking the full course and obtaining the certificate, you can register here
With the complete course you will be able to acquire the necessary knowledge to apply the techniques of institutional and business protocol and to master the public relations and tools of attention to the client in the tourist sector
Professional Competences
The completion of this course will help you to achieve the following professional competencies:
- Coordinate the operations of the different types of events, providing assistance to customers in cases that require it
- Attend to contingencies, unforeseen and complaints that may arise and affect travelers and situations, solving the problems that cause allowing a proper development of the service
- To apply the quality protocols in the services, as well as in the post-sale actions, looking for the satisfaction of the client
Acquire knowledge related to public relations and protocol, both in its theoretical and practical dimensions, as an instrument oriented to the development of actions for the organization of events, information and communication in the field of tourism
- Know the meaning and purpose of public relations and protocol
- Become familiar with the techniques used in protocol matters
- Be able to plan and execute a complete PR program that includes all phases
- To master basic social norms in order to function naturally in institutional and business events and celebrations
- Use the communication elements as a vehicle for image transmission
- To know the regulations in force regarding the state and autonomous institutional protocol
Course Syllabus
- PR in the Tourist Business Sphere
- Communication in the Tourist Enterprise
Teaching Team

Julia Feo Malvís
Senior Technician in Tourist Guide, Information and Assistance
Technician in Tourist Information
AVSEC (AVIATION SECURITY) Trainer Certified and authorized by AESA (State Agency for Air Safety)
Freelance Teacher in Company
Do you want to know more?
If you are interested in this course or other courses in our catalogue and need more information, you can contact us through the following form