We welcome you to a selection of the contents of the course Natural Environment: Classification of fauna and flora with which you will know the urban fauna, with the main trees of a Spanish city, and the invasive fauna in the aquatic environment
If, after viewing this content, you are interested in taking the full course and obtaining the certificate, you can register here
With the complete course you will acquire and share knowledge about the main species of Spanish flora and fauna in the natural and urban environments. We will deepen in the taxonomic terminology, we will treat the parameters of conservation and we will apply the technique of the photographic registries for the characterization of the species
Professional Competences
The completion of this course will help you to achieve the following professional competencies:
- Perform different functions of management, execution and environmental protection related to the conservation of habitats and the different species that make them up
- To sensitize and educate the population, promoting attitudes that contribute to the conservation and improvement of the environment, informing about its values and the diverse environmental problems, qualifying for a correct decision making, designing activities for its knowledge and use based on principles of sustainability, as well as carrying out environmental management actions to control and protect the environment applying the regulations
To classify the main animal and plant species of the natural and urban environments in Spain interpreting the taxonomic terminology
- To know and classify the main animal species of the natural and urban environments, interpreting the taxonomic terminology.
- Recognize and distinguish the predominant plant species in the natural and urban environments, applying taxonomic terminology
- Use photography as a tool to characterize and conserve species
- Sensitize and educate the population by promoting attitudes that contribute to the conservation and improvement of the environment
Course Syllabus
- Urban flora and fauna
- Invasive Fauna and Flora
Teaching Team
Eduardo Lamana Pérez
Graduated in Biological Sciences. Zoology
Environmental Development Agent. Torrelodones Town Council (Madrid)
Specialist Technician in analysis and evaluation of environmental contaminants
Expert in interpretation and environmental education
Freelance environmental teacher
Do you want to know more?
If you are interested in this course or other courses in our catalogue and need more information, you can contact us through the following form